Ram é o nome com o qual o artista plástico português Miguel Caeiro (n. 1976) atua desde que começou a pintar ilegalmente nas ruas em 1997. Precursor do graffiti experimental e da arte urbana, Ram tem trilhado um caminho único na criação de uma obra inteiramente e uma linguagem original no mundo da nova estética urbana.

As suas explosões energéticas de cores e formas dinâmicas aproximam-se a uma pintura de ação contemporânea imbuída de uma visão de natureza psicodélica, seguindo uma linha de intensa vitalidade que expressa a construção de realidades etéreas – projeções de uma imaginação fértil do subconsciente e do inconsciente onde a força dinâmica e primitiva da natureza governa.

Ram is the name under which Portuguese visual artist Miguel Caeiro (b. 1976) has been operating since he began painting illegally in the streets in 1997. A precursor of experimental graffiti and urban art, Ram has been treading a unique path in creating an entirely original language in the world of the new urban aesthetics. His energetic explosions of colour and dynamic forms come close to a contemporary action painting imbued with a visionariness of a psychedelic nature, following a line of intense vitality that expresses the construction of ethereal realities – projections of a fertile imagination of the subconscious and the unconscious where the dynamic and primeval force of nature rules.

A native of Sintra, he grew up in the intersection between the natural and untamed world and the urban and civilised one. With an innate predisposition to complement opposites, his work reflects the assimilation of both in the creation of a new vision. A voyage through the fantastic that started with his fascination for archaeology and lost worlds which found echo in his longing for exploration, for transcendence. A blend of mystery and mysticism, voyage and adventure, graphic and visual expression, poetry in motion. Ram is, in fact, short for Ramses, a reflection of

With an instinctive inclination for experimentation, the artist has come to refine the technical side of painting, liberating his lines. From heavy, solid shapes he gradually moved towards improvisation, free movement, fluidity. Performative action and energy gained presence, leading him to the individual language which today characterises a style which seems wild and untamed, yet is meticulous, precise and fully balanced. Throughout the years, that same unfaltering movement has led him to explore a multiplicity of media – from the detailed intimacy of watercolours to the manifest grandeur of large-scale murals, from conceptual installation to interdisciplinary performance.

Redefining Street Art
Rapid Aerosol Movement. Just one of the reasons why people call him RAM. Though saying a lot about his art and technique, it’s far from explaining the whole concept behind his work. Born in 1976, currently living in Lisbon, Portugal, RAM’s among the most respected urban artists of the country and in Europe. He’s been around long and consistently enough. Initially studied and worked as a graphic designer, known by his obsessed originality, but was rarely able to express all his bursting creativity through the design market. fourteenn years ago, RAM chose to dedicate his attention exclusively to art, particularly Graffiti.

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